Communicator Project
Rough Sketches

Sketch 01: The first thing that came to mind for this project was the machine in the original Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. There's a scene of a group of businessmen checking out this machine that is claimed to tell them where the golden ticket is. So for the overall concept, I wanted to make a machine that is the 'communicator.' I got inspiration from a cross between a switchboard telecom and a morse code machine. The floating head is an underdeveloped idea for the sketch, and I'm unsure if a figure is needed for the final draft. 

Sketch 2: The second concept was inspired by ghost hunting; the Ovilus communicates with the dead through a single word. I thought that would be an exciting and whimsical concept. 

Sketch 3:  This last sketch is a little underdeveloped regarding the concept. I wanted to add something inside the head that could be thought of as the communicator. ​​​​​​​

Communicator Project


Communicator Project
